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Practice of Counseling in North Carolina

Pursuant to NC General Statutes § 90-330(a)(3), in the state of North Carolina the "practice of counseling" means holding oneself out to the public as a clinical mental health counselor offering counseling services that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Counseling – Assisting individuals, groups, and families through the counseling relationship by evaluating and treating mental disorders and other conditions through the use of a combination of clinical mental health and human development principles, methods, diagnostic procedures, treatment plans, and other psychotherapeutic techniques, to develop an understanding of personal problems, to define goals, and to plan action reflecting the client's interests, abilities, aptitudes, and mental health needs as these are related to personal-social-emotional concerns, educational progress, and occupations and careers.
  2. Appraisal Activities – Administering and interpreting tests for assessment of personal characteristics.
  3. Consulting – Interpreting scientific data and providing guidance and personnel services to individuals, groups, or organizations.
  4. Referral Activities – Identifying problems requiring referral to other specialists.
  5. Research Activities – Designing, conducting, and interpreting research with human subjects.

The "practice of counseling" does not include the facilitation of communication, understanding, reconciliation, and settlement of conflicts by mediators at community mediation centers authorized by G.S. 7A-38.5.